收稿日期: 2017-04-20
修回日期: 2017-07-07
网络出版日期: 2017-10-28
浙江省科技计划项目-公益技术应用研究(2017C31104, 2016C31023)和宁波市科技计划(“3315计划”, 2014A35001-1, 2016A610115)资助
Attempts to Improve the Energy Capacity of Capacitive Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices
Received date: 2017-04-20
Revised date: 2017-07-07
Online published: 2017-10-28
Supported by
This work has received funding supports from Ningbo Municipal Government (3315 Plan and IAMET Special Fund, 2014A35001-1, and Ningbo Natural Science Foundation Programme, 2016A610115) and Zhejiang Provincial Applied Research Programme for Commonweal Technology, 2016C31023 and 2017C31104.
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