收稿日期: 2017-04-12
修回日期: 2017-05-12
网络出版日期: 2017-10-28
国家自然科学基金项目(Nos. 51677182,51472238)和北京市科委项目(No. Z171100000917007)资助.
Lithium Ion Hybrid Capacitor with High Energy Density
Received date: 2017-04-12
Revised date: 2017-05-12
Online published: 2017-10-28
锂离子混合型电容器兼有锂离子电池和超级电容器的优点,在电化学储能领域具有广泛的应用前景. 但其产业化仍存在一系列的基础及工艺方面的问题,具体包括器件结构设计、电极材料筛选、预嵌锂工艺和电解液与电极的界面等. 本文结合作者课题组的研究工作介绍了近年来高能量密度的锂离子混合型电容器的研究进展,内容涉及锂离子电容器正/负极材料的筛选、预嵌锂工艺的优化、内并联结构的锂离子电池型超级电容器复合正极组成材料的调控、隔膜的选择、电解液的组成、以及器件的高/低温性能,分析了锂离子电容器的容量衰减机制,探讨了锂离子电池型超级电容器的储能机制,提出了未来对高能量密度的锂离子混合型电容器研究的展望.
孙现众 , 张熊 , 王凯 , 马衍伟 . 高能量密度的锂离子混合型电容器[J]. 电化学, 2017 , 23(5) : 586 -603 . DOI: 10.13208/j.electrochem.170346
Lithium ion hybrid capacitors are electrochemical energy storage devices combining the advantages of both Li-ion battery and electrochemical capacitor. They can be extensively used in many fields. However, the commercialization of lithium ion hybrid capacitor has been encountered several problems, e.g., the device structure design, the screening of materials, the pre-lithiation process, and the interface between electrolyte and electrode, etc. This review summarizes the recent research advances in lithium ion hybrid capacitor with high energy density, including the selection of the active materials in cathode/anode and the separator, the pre-lithiation method using the three-electrode structure, the high- and low-temperature performances, the capacity fading behaviors, the charge storage mechanisms and the device fabrication of lithium ion hybrid capacitor (including lithium ion capacitor and lithium battery-type supercapacitor). Finally, the perspectives and future developments of lithium ion hybrid capacitor are highlighted.
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