收稿日期: 2016-11-05
修回日期: 2017-03-16
网络出版日期: 2017-03-30
Electrocatalysis of NanoTin Dioxide in the Battery Reaction of Zinc-Nitrobenzene
Received date: 2016-11-05
Revised date: 2017-03-16
Online published: 2017-03-30
以氯化锡为原料,四丙基溴化铵为表面活性剂水热法制备纳米二氧化锡(SnO2)催化剂,并以钛网为基材,制备催化电极. 应用SEM,XRD等手段对催化剂进行表征. 考察了反应物浓度、反应温度和反应时间对催化剂形貌的影响. 研究了纳米SnO2催化剂对锌还原硝基苯原电池反应的电催化性能. 结果表明,当 NaOH浓度为0. 5 mol•L-1、水热反应温度160 ℃、水热反应时间15 h时,得到的SnO2催化剂是由纳米片构成的刺球状颗粒,粒径最小,约17 nm. 与平板铂电极相比,制备的催化电极对硝基苯电还原具有更高的催化活性,硝基苯转化率为74%,最大放电功率为21.9 mW•cm-2,远大于平板铂电极. 硝基苯的主要还原产物为苯胺、对乙氧基苯胺和对氯苯胺.
涂序国 , 马翔宇 , 何瑞楠 , 王晓娟 , 凌晨 , 孙云霞 , 陈松 . 纳米氧化锡在锌-硝基苯电池反应中的电催化[J]. 电化学, 2017 , 23(3) : 356 -363 . DOI: 10.13208/j.electrochem.161049
The tin dioxide (SnO2) nanoparticles were synthesized by using a simple hydrothermal route in the presence of tetrapropyl ammonium bromide (TPAB) as a surfactant. Accordingly, the titanium mesh based SnO2 catalyst electrode was prepared. The morphologies and structures of SnO2 nanostructures were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction spectrometry. The influences of reactant concentration, reaction temperature and time on the morphology of the products were investigated in detail. The electrocatalytic performance of SnO2 for the reduction of nitrobenzene with zinc was studied. Possible formation process and growth mechanism for such hierarchical SnO2 nanostructures have been proposed based on the experimental results. The results showed that when the concentration of NaOH was 0.5 mol•L-1, the hydrothermal reaction temperature was 160 ℃, hydrothermal reaction time was 9 h, the as-prepared SnO2 catalyst appeared thorny spheric particles consisting of nanosheets with the particle size as small as 17 nm. Compared with Pt electrode, the catalyst electrode exhibited higher catalytic activity toward the electrochemical reduction of nitrobenzene. The conversion rate of nitrobenzene was up to 74% and the maximum discharge power density was 21.9 mW•cm-2, which are much better than those with platinum electrode. The main reduction products of nitrobenzene were aniline, p-phenetidine and p-chloroaniline.
Key words: Tin dioxide; Nanometer; Electrocatalysis; Nitrobenzene; Reduction
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