

  • M. Rostom Ali ,
  • R. K. Biswas ,
  • Md. Golam Zakaria
  • 拉杰沙希大学应用化学与化学工程系,拉杰沙希-6205,孟加拉共和国

收稿日期: 2016-03-11

  修回日期: 2016-05-14

  网络出版日期: 2016-06-13


The authors gratefully acknowledge Professor Atshushi Nishikata, at Department of Chemistry and Materials Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo 152-8552, Japan, in for the XRD analysis of the sample. Part of this study has been presented in the 7th International Symposium on Marine Corrosion and Control in Nanjing, China on October 26-28, October’ 2014.

An electrochemical dissolution study of ilmenite fraction of beach sand in sulphuric acid solution

  • M. Rostom Ali ,
  • R. K. Biswas ,
  • Md. Golam Zakaria
  • Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Rajshahi University,Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh

Received date: 2016-03-11

  Revised date: 2016-05-14

  Online published: 2016-06-13

Supported by

The authors gratefully acknowledge Professor Atshushi Nishikata, at Department of Chemistry and Materials Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo 152-8552, Japan, in for the XRD analysis of the sample. Part of this study has been presented in the 7th International Symposium on Marine Corrosion and Control in Nanjing, China on October 26-28, October’ 2014.


采用电化学技术研究了孟加拉国海沙里钛铁矿在硫酸溶液中不同温度下的溶解行为. 循环伏安研究表明,在没有添加碳粉的条件下钛铁矿的溶解非常困难. 为了探明钛铁矿的溶解过程,考察了钛铁矿-碳比例、硫酸浓度和温度对钛铁矿电化学溶解行为的影响. 结果显示,钛铁矿在低还原电位和低温下的溶解速率较慢. 施加更负的还原电位和在较高的温度下溶解速率加快. 增加硫酸浓度(最大浓度到1 mol?dm-3)也可提高溶解速率. 但是,在较高的硫酸浓度和还原电位下,由于氢气析出导致钛铁矿的溶解速率降低,且气体吸附最后使得钛铁矿的活性表面积减小. 计算得到活化能数值在高温区间为50±10 kJ•mol-1, 而低温区间为?15±5  kJ•mol-1, 说明低温区间为扩散控制过程,而高温区间为化学控制过程.


M. Rostom Ali , R. K. Biswas , Md. Golam Zakaria . 海沙钛铁矿在硫酸溶液中的电化学溶解研究[J]. 电化学, 2017 , 23(4) : 420 -428 . DOI: 10.13208/j.electrochem.160311


Electrochemical techniques have been used to investigate the dissolution behaviors of ilmenite fraction of beach sand of Bangladesh in sulfuric acid solutions at various temperatures. It is seen from the cyclic voltammetric studies indicated that the dissolution of ilmenite is was very difficult without the addition of carbon powder in ilmenite. The effects of ilmenite-carbon ratio, acid concentration and temperature on cyclic voltammograms have been investigated to understand the dissolution process of ilmenite. The investigated results showed that the dissolution rate of ilmenite (FeTiO3) is was slow at low applied reduction potentials and temperatures. However, the dissolution rate was increases accelerated at more negatively applied reduction potentials and higher temperatures. The dissolution rate was also increases increased with theon increasing acid concentrations up to 1 mol•dm-3; . and aAt more larger acid concentrations and higher reduction potentials, ithe dissolution rate was decreases decreased due to the starting of H2 gas evolution which eventually decreases reduced the active surface area of pellet by adsorption. The activation energy (Ea) is was evaluated to be 50±10  kJ•mol-1 in the higher temperature region, (htr) andwhile 15±5  kJ•mol-1 in the lower temperature region (ltr)., The value of activation energy suggestsing the process to be diffusion controlled process at the lower temperature regionltr and chemically controlled process at the higher temperature regionhtr.
