田昭武先生90大寿祝贺专辑(厦门大学 孙世刚 林昌健教授主编)


  • 张斌伟 ,
  • 王云晓 ,
  • 徐燕斐 ,
  • 刘华坤 ,
  • 窦士学
  • 超导电子材料研究所,澳大利亚创新材料研究所,伍伦贡大学,创新校区,澳大利亚新南威尔士州,北卧龙岗,2500

收稿日期: 2016-12-08

  修回日期: 2017-01-19

  网络出版日期: 2017-01-29


This work is supported by Australian Research Council (ARC) (LP120200432 and DP140104062), Baosteel-Australia joint research and development center (Baosteel Grant no. BA14006), and the Commonwealth of Australia through the Automotive Australia 2020 Cooperative Research Centre (Auto CRC)

Designing Pt-skin of Pt-based Bimetallic electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction

  • Binwei Zhang ,
  • Yunxiao Wang ,
  • Yanfei Xu ,
  • Huakun Liu ,
  • Shixue Dou
  • Institute for Superconducting and Electronic Materials, Australian Institute of Innovative Materials, University of Wollongong, Innovation Campus, Squires Way, North Wollongong, New South Wales 2500, Australia.

Received date: 2016-12-08

  Revised date: 2017-01-19

  Online published: 2017-01-29

Supported by

This work is supported by Australian Research Council (ARC) (LP120200432 and DP140104062), Baosteel-Australia joint research and development center (Baosteel Grant no. BA14006), and the Commonwealth of Australia through the Automotive Australia 2020 Cooperative Research Centre (Auto CRC)


过去几十年,能源储存转化领域取得重大的进展. 而Pt-skin的Pt基双金属电催化剂在调控电催化剂的电子结构具有巨大的前景,特别是对于氧还原反应而言. 本工作主要综述了最近几年关于Pt-skin的Pt 基双金属电催化剂的设计制备,以及其性能. 本文的主要重点在于系统的综述了Pt-skin的Pt 基双金属电催化剂的合成方法,以及其对于氧还原反应的机理研究.


张斌伟 , 王云晓 , 徐燕斐 , 刘华坤 , 窦士学 . Pt-skin的Pt基双金属电催化的氧还原设计[J]. 电化学, 2017 , 23(2) : 102 -109 . DOI: 10.13208/j.electrochem.161244


In the past decade, great advancement has been made in the development of nanocatalysts for energy conversion and storage. Pt-skin of Pt-based bimetallic has shown a great potential in the tuning the electronic structures of electrocatalytically active materials toward oxygen reduction reaction. Here, we offer a brief overview of the recent research on the design and preparation of catalysts. Our focus is paid on the systematic studies of preparation and performance of Pt-skin catalysts towards oxygen reduction reaction.


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