界面电化学近期研究专辑(厦门大学 毛秉伟教授)


  • 毛秉伟
  • 厦门大学化学化工学院,固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室,厦门 361005

网络出版日期: 2016-12-28

Special Issue on Interfacial Electrochemistry

  • MAO Bing-wei
  • Xiamen University, Xiamen, 361005, China

Online published: 2016-12-28


界面电化学是以研究电极-电解液界面的结构和性质以及各种电极过程为特点的电化学科学的重要方向. 随着能源科学的迅猛发展,围绕各种复杂电化学界面、探讨其在能源电化学过程中的特殊作用显得十分重要,而发展和运用各种原位和非原位表征方法研究复杂界面的结构和性能关系也日益受到关注. 本专辑收录论文9篇,包括7篇研究论文和2篇综述,侧重于锂基电池、电催化和离子液体电化学体系中的界面问题,反映我国学者在电化学界面基础和应用研究方面所取得的最新进展,并评述有关能源电化学界面所存在的问题、挑战和解决策略.希望籍此促进我国电化学研究的进一步发展. 在此,谨对所有为本专辑撰稿的作者所给予的大力支持和贡献表示诚挚谢意! 同时对审稿人及编辑部工作人员为本专缉的出版所付出的辛勤劳动表示衷心感谢!


毛秉伟 . 《界面电化学》专辑序言[J]. 电化学, 2016 , 22(6) : 551 -552 . DOI: 10.13208/j.electrochem.160560


Interfacial electrochemistry is an area of electrochemical science featuring investigations on structures and properties of electrode-electrolyte interfaces at which diverse electrode processes take place. With rapid development of energy sciences, understanding the roles of complex electrochemical interfaces in energy electrochemical processes becomes increasingly important, while development and employment of in-situ and ex-situ techniques to characterize the interfacial structure and property, as well as their correlation are indispensible. This special issue emphasizes on lithium-based batteries, electrocatalysis and ionic liquid electrochemistry, and comprises nine papers, including seven research articles and two review articles, which reflect the latest progresses in fundamental and applied researches, and provide reviews on the problems, challenges and solution strategies in energy electrochemistry. It is hoped that the publication of this special issue will promote further development of electrochemistry in our country. Herein, sincere thanks are extended to all the authors for their contributions and great support to the special issue. Heartfelt thanks also go to the reviewers and editorial staff for their efforts in processing and publication of the issue.

