能源电化学材料近期研究专辑(南开大学 陈军教授)


  • 陈 军
  • 南开大学,化学学院,天津 300071

网络出版日期: 2016-10-28

Special Issue on Energy Electrochemical Materials

  • CHEN Jun
  • College of Chemistry, Nankai University

Online published: 2016-10-28


以电化学能量储存和转化为特点的电池、电容器等储能技术,正在信息通讯、新能源汽车、微电网、分布式发电、大型电力储能、智能电网等领域得到广泛应用,将有力推动能源互联网的快速发展. 作为储能核心技术之一的锂电池、钠电池与超级电容器,更加受到重视. 这些电化学储能装置的性能依赖于所使用的电极材料与结构等. 发展高能量密度、高功率密度和长循环寿命的低成本储能体系成为能源电化学材料研究的核心. 本专辑围绕锂离子电池、钠离子电池、锂硫电池、超级电容器等,收录了在该领域具有丰富研究经验的团队所撰写的8篇相关综述和研究论文. 其中,围绕下一代锂离子电池负极硅材料,邀请了3篇综述和研究论文;鉴于丰富的钠资源,在钠离子电池研究方面也邀请了3篇综述论文;同时在高能量密度的锂硫电池和高功率密度的超级电容器方面各邀请1篇论文. 从这些论文中,可以部分看出锂离子电池、钠离子电池、锂硫电池、超级电容器等能源电化学材料的研究进展. 希望借助此专辑的出版,能使广大读者更好地了解上述几类电池、电容器的研究现状,研究趋势和存在问题及挑战,为更深入地开展该领域研究提供参考,以推动我国能源电化学材料研究的进一步发展. 在此,对专辑的所有作者、审稿人及编辑部工作人员的辛勤劳动,表示最衷心的感谢!


陈 军 . 《能源电化学材料》专辑序言[J]. 电化学, 2016 , 22(5) : 435 -436 . DOI: 10.13208/j.electrochem.160540


With the characteristics of electrochemical energy storage and conversion, batteries and supercapacitors have been widely used in the fields of information communication, new energy vehicle, micro-grid, distributed generation, large-scale electricity storage, and smart grid. This will further boost the rapid development of energy internet. Among various energy storage technologies, lithium batteries, sodium batteries, and supercapacitors have drawn much more attention. The performance of such electrochemical energy storage devices depends on the electrode materials and their structures. Developing low-cost energy storage system with high energy density, high power density, and long cycle life has become the key research area of electrochemical energy materials. In this special issue, eight review/research papers focusing on lithium-ion batteries, sodium-ion batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries and supercapacitors have been included. These papers have been written by the teams with rich research experience in the field of electrochemical energy materials. In particular, three invited review and research papers deal with silicon anode materials of the next-generation lithium-ion batteries. In view of the abundant sodium resource, three review papers are invited with the focus on sodium-ion batteries. Meanwhile, one invited paper handles lithium-sulfur batteries with high energy density and another supercapacitors with high power density. From these featured articles of this special issue, readers will gain general knowledge in the recent developments of electrochemical energy material involving lithium-ion batteries, sodium-ion batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries, and supercapacitors. I hope that the publication of this special issue helps the broad readers better understand the research status, trends, problems and challenges of the above-mentioned types of batteries and supercapacitors, providing a reference for in-depth research in this field and further promoting the development of China's energy electrochemical materials research. Herein, I would like to acknowledge all the authors, the reviewers and the editorial staffs for their great contributions and hard works to the publication of this special issue.

