Special Issue for the Best Papers by the Award Winners in Electrochemistry
电化学不仅是化学科学的重要分支,而且因其在能源、材料、环境和生物等领域的重要应用成为推动社会和经济可持续发展的关键学科在过去30年里,中国的电化学事业得到了巨大的发展,与国际同行的交流也越来越紧密中国电化学领域的许多研究成果纷纷被国际著名期刊报导中国科学家们也通过主办或参加国际学术会议,与国际知名实验室课题组合作等,积极参与到国际学术舞台中国化学会电化学委员会每两年召开一次全国性的学术会议,其中第18届全国电化学大会在哈尔滨成功召开大会上颁发了系列重要奖项,分别是中国电化学成就奖(获奖人:董绍俊教授,中科院长春应化所)、中国电化学贡献奖(获奖人:夏永姚教授,复旦大学)、中国电化学青年奖(获奖人:钟羽武教授,中科院化学所;曹安民教授,中科院化学所;周志有教授,厦门大学;李高仁教授,中山大学)和首届《电化学》期刊优秀论文奖(获奖人:艾新平教授,武汉大学;杨勇教授,厦门大学;衣宝廉教授,中科院大连化物所;郭玉国教授,中科院化学所;黄波博士,上海交通大学). 《电化学》期刊优秀论文奖旨在鼓励和支持中国学者在中文期刊上发表高质量研究论文. 为宣传此次电化学大会,进一步促进中国电化学科学研究与国内外的交流,《电化学》编辑部邀请在此次大会上获奖的八位学者及其团队,撰写论文报道他们取得的最新进展研究本专辑较为全面地反映了几个有代表性的课题组在我国电化学研究领域,尤其是在能源、环境和材料方面的取得的进展希望借助专辑的出版,能使广大读者更深入地了解我国电化学领域的研究现状、研究趋势和存在的问题及挑战,为该领域研究提供参考,推动我国电化学研究的进一步发展. 在此,对本专辑的所有作者、审稿人及编辑部工作人员的辛勤劳动表示衷心的感谢!
孙世刚 . 电化学获奖人优秀论文专辑序言[J]. 电化学, 2016 , 22(3) : 211 -212 . DOI: 10.13208/j.electrochem.151240
Electrochemistry is definitely one of the key factors to the sustainable growth of our economy because it greatly promotes efficient conversions in terms of both energy and chemical material. The past 30 years have witnessed enormous efforts devoted to the science and technology in electrochemistry in China, and significant achievements have been made by the creative and productive Chinese electrochemistry community. The fundamental research, from the discovery of a novel theoretical study to the developments of new material preparations and characterization methods, has made great progress as to achieve in-depth understanding of the fundamental aspects in the electrochemistry area. Researches in applications such as advanced materials, instrument developments, and power sources, have also made enormous and all-around acievements. The tremendous progress in electrochemistry has made it possible for Chinese scientists to address both the issues of environmental protection and renewable energy in China. With the boom in electrochemistry research in China, the international influence of Chinese electrochemistry researches consequently increases greatly. An increasing number of novel and important research results in electrochemistry in China has been reported on the flagship international journals. Chinese electrochemical scientists have actively participated in the international academic society by attending and hosting international meetings, collaborating widely with international laboratories, and so on. The Chinese National Conference on Electrochemistry is held biannually, and has been held for 18 times so far. Some notable prizes were established to award Chinese researchers in the field of electrochemistry on the basis of their academic excellence and achievement. In 2011, the Electrochemistry Outstanding Achievement Award, the Electrochemistry Contribution Award and the Electrochemistry Award for Young Scientists were set up. These awards are presented biannually in the closing ceremony of the Chinese National Conferences on Electrochemistry. In 2015, Excellent Paper Prize in Journal of Electrochemistry was established in order to attract more attention in works published in the Chinese academic journal. In the 18th Chinese National Conference on Electrochemistry, five authors were awarded for their worthy papers published in the Journal of Electrochemistry. During this conference, Prof. Shao-jun Dong (Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences) received the Outstanding Achievement Award for her excellent achievements and contributions in electrochemistry area. This special issue is dedicated to the awardees of Electrochemistry Community in China. The timely collection of peer-reviewed research articles is contributed by the Awarded Winners, and focuses on the highlighted research results and cutting-edge trends in the electrochemical science and technology, especially in the fields of energy, environment and material. On behalf of the editorial team, we appreciate both the authors for their contributions and the reviewers for their efforts. Finally, we also congratulate all the winners on their much-deserved awards.
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