

  • 李纯莉 ,
  • 杨 广 ,
  • 张 平 ,
  • 江志裕
  • 1. 上海空间电源研究所,上海 200245;2. 复旦大学化学系,上海 200433

收稿日期: 2015-06-12

  修回日期: 2015-08-25

  网络出版日期: 2015-09-16

Electrochemical Properties of Graphene/Porous Nano-Silicon Anode

  • LI Chun-li ,
  • YANG Guang ,
  • ZHANG Ping ,
  • JIANG Zhi-yu
  • 1. Shanghai Institute of Space Power Sources, Shanghai 200245, China; 2. Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China

Received date: 2015-06-12

  Revised date: 2015-08-25

  Online published: 2015-09-16


采用酸浸蚀Al-Si合金的方法制备了多孔纳米Si,并用其制作以石墨烯为导电材料的石墨烯/多孔纳米Si负极. SEM和TEM的分析表明两者混合均匀. 作为锂离子电池的负极,该电极在1 mol•L-1 LiPF6/EC(碳酸乙烯酯):DMC(碳酸二甲酯) = 1:1(by volume) + 1.5%(by mass)VC(碳酸亚乙烯酯)溶液中、0.5 A•g-1电流密度下,第120周循环的放电比容量为1842.6 mAh•g-1,充放电效率为98.6%. 石墨烯的加入不仅提高了电极的导电性,而且减缓了充放电过程中电极多孔纳米结构的衰变.


李纯莉 , 杨 广 , 张 平 , 江志裕 . 石墨烯/多孔纳米硅负极的电化学性能[J]. 电化学, 2015 , 21(6) : 572 -576 . DOI: 10.13208/j.electrochem.150612


Porous nano-silicon (Si) was prepared by acid etching Al-Si alloy powder method, and used as an active material for fabricating a grapene/porous nano-Si electrode. The results of SEM and TEM measurements indicated that porous nano-Si powder was uniformly mixed with graphene by emulsification dispersion-ultrasonication method. As an anode for lithium ion battery, the graphene/porous nano-Si electrode presented relatively high performance in 1 mol•L-1 LiPF6/EC:DMC = 1:1(by volume) + 1.5% (by mass) VC solution. At the charge and discharge current densities of 0.5A•g-1, the first discharge capacity was 1768.6 mAh•g-1 with coulombic efficiency of 68.3%. The discharge capacity increased in the initial several cycles, and then decayed gradually after 7 cycles. Finally, the discharge capacity was 1842.6 mAh•g-1 with coulombic efficiency of 98.6% after 120th cycles. The excellent cycle property could be attributed to the improvement of electronic conductivity and structural stability of graphene/porous nano-Si material.


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