

  • 邹献平 ,
  • 康宗轩 ,
  • 黄毓岚 ,
  • 舒东 ,
  • 钟雅云 ,
  • 郝俊南 ,
  • 廖雨清
  • 1. 华南师范大学化学与环境学院,广东 广州 510006;2. 广州市能源转化与储能材料重点实验室,广东 广州 510006;3. 电化学储能材料与技术教育部工程研究中心,广东 广州 510006

收稿日期: 2015-01-26

  修回日期: 2015-04-09

  网络出版日期: 2015-08-28


国家自然科学基金(No. 21273085)、广州市科技计划项目(No. 2012J4300147)和广东省自然科学基金(No. S2011010003416)资助

Reaction Mechanisms Study of Pb Electrodes in Sulfuric Acid and Sodium Sulfate Solutions by EQCM

  • ZOU Xian-Ping ,
  • KANG Zong-Xuan ,
  • HUANG Yu-Lan ,
  • SHU Dong ,
  • ZHONG Ya-Yun ,
  • HAO Jun-南 ,
  • LIAO Yu-Qing
  • 1. School of Chemistry and Environment, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China; 2. Guangzhou Laboratory of Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage, Guangzhou 510006, China; 3. Engineering Research Center of Electrochemical Materials and Technology on Energy Storage, Ministry of Education, Guangzhou 510006, China

Received date: 2015-01-26

  Revised date: 2015-04-09

  Online published: 2015-08-28


使用电化学线性扫描伏安(LSV)、循环伏安(CV)和电化学石英晶体微天平(EQCM)方法研究了硫酸和硫酸钠溶液中铅电极表面的反应过程. 伏安曲线和电极表面质量变化结果分析表明,从-1.0 V到-0.4 V正向扫描时,铅在硫酸溶液中生成两种氧化产物,在-0.87 V时生成硫酸铅,在-0.73 V时生成PbO·PbSO4,然后PbO·PbSO4转化成硫酸铅,而铅在硫酸钠中的氧化产物只有硫酸铅. 因此,酸性溶液是PbO·PbSO4形成的必要条件,这进一步揭示了铅酸电池的负极放电机理,也为铅酸电池负极反应过程提供了新的研究方法.


邹献平 , 康宗轩 , 黄毓岚 , 舒东 , 钟雅云 , 郝俊南 , 廖雨清 . 利用EQCM研究铅电极在硫酸和硫酸钠溶液中的反应机理[J]. 电化学, 2015 , 21(4) : 362 -367 . DOI: 10.13208/j.electrochem.150126


Surface reaction processes of Pb electrodes were investigated in H2SO4 and Na2SO4 solutions by LSV, CV and EQCM. The results in the voltammogram and the mass change curve of the Pb electrode indicated that the oxide products of lead included PbSO4 and PbO·PbSO4 in sulfuric acid solution with a positive-going potential scan from -1.0 V to -0.4 V and then PbO·PbSO4 transformed into PbSO4. However, the oxide product of lead was only PbSO4 in sodium sulfate solution. The experimental results revealed that the acid solution is necessary for the formation of PbO·PbSO4 and the negative discharge mechanism of lead-acid batteries was suggested. This study had also provided a new research method for the negative plates of lead-acid battery.


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