本文以乙醇脱氢酶(ADH)和胆红素氧化酶(BOD)为生物催化剂,以碳纳米管为电极材料,构筑了全酶型乙醇/氧气生物燃料电池. 将乙醇脱氢酶负载于单壁碳纳米管(SWCNT)上,采用亚甲基绿(MG)为NADH的电化学催化剂,实现乙醇的生物电化学催化氧化,制备了生物燃料电池ADH/MG/SWCNT/GC的电极(阳极). 同时,将胆红素氧化酶固定于单壁碳纳米管上,通过其直接电子转移,实现了氧气的生物电化学催化还原,制得生物燃料电池的BOD/SWCNT/GC阴极. 据此构筑了全酶型的无膜生物燃料电池,在空气饱和40 mmol·L-1乙醇磷酸缓冲溶液中该电池开路电压为0.53 V,最大输出功率密度为11 μW·cm-2. 以商品化伏特酒作为燃料,该生物燃料电池最大输出功率为3.7 μW·cm-2.
This study demonstrates the performance of a new type alcohol/O2 biofuel cell assembled by using alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and bilirubin oxidase (BOD) as the biocatalysts of the bioanode and the biocathode for the bioelectrocatalytic oxidation of alcohol and reduction of oxygen, respectively. To construct the bioanode and the biocathode, single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) were used. In the bioanode, SWCNTs were used as the supporting materials for both methylene green (MG) which was used as the electrocatalyst for the oxidation of NADH and ADH. The as-constructed MG/ADH/SWCNTs-based bioanode exhibits a good activity toward the bioelectrocatalytic oxidation of ethanol. In the biocathode, the use of SWCNTs essentially facilities the direct electron transfer of BOD, and thereby enables the bioelectrocatalytic reduction of oxygen into water at a relatively high potential. An ethanol/O2 biofuel cell configuration was then assembled by utilizing the MG/ADH/SWCNTs as the bioanode and the BOD/SWCNTs as the biocathode. The biofuel cell gives a maximum power output of 11 μW·cm-2 in the presence of 40 mmol·L-1 ethanol as biofuel under ambient air in phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). Finally, we demonstrate that the ethanol/O2 biofuel cell could be powered by commercially available Vodak, giving a maximum power output of 3.7 μW·cm-2.
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