The combination technology of brush pyrolysis and electroplating was employed in the preparation of β-PbO2/Sb-SnO2/Ti electrode. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) results showed that the Sb-SnO2 as an interlayer would restrain the formation of lead fluoride and the crystallization degree on the electrode surface could be as high as 100%. The grain size was calculated by Scherrer formula to be 25.2 nm and the agglomeration of lead dioxide was effectively eliminated. The potential span of diffusion control phase, oxygen evolution potential, Tafel slope for the β-PbO2/Sb-SnO2/Ti electrode during the polarization were 1.85 ~ 2.15 V, 2.08 V and 0.84, respectively, which exhibited much better electrochemical properties as compared with those of the β-PbO2/Ti electrode with the values of 1.40 ~ 1.80 V, 1.75 V and 0.36, respectively. Furthermore, the β-PbO2/Sb-SnO2/Ti and β-PbO2/Ti electrodes were taken as anodes participating in the electrocatalysis degradation of phenol simulated wastewater under current density 9 mA·cm-2 within 240 min. Experimental results revealed that the efficiencies of chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal and instant current efficiency (ICE) during phenol degradation were 90.1% and 63.28% for the β-PbO2/Sb-SnO2/Ti electrode, while 66.9% and 44.96% for the β-PbO2/Ti electrode. Ultimately, the accelerated life test was performed to evaluate the service time of β-PbO2/Sb-SnO2/Ti. The results presented that the industrial life of β-PbO2/Sb-SnO2/Ti was 8.6a, which is 10 times longer than that of β-PbO2/Ti,suggesting that β-PbO2/Sb-SnO2/Ti would have a relatively high engineering application value.
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