本文研究了绿脓杆菌分泌的电子中介体绿脓菌素与电极之间的反应,并探讨了溶解氧的影响. 通过循环伏安曲线、测试电极开路电位等方法,确定绿脓菌素阳极反应是受扩散控制的可逆反应. 菌液的溶解氧浓度在一定范围内(0 ~ 1.6 mg.L-1)对绿脓菌素和电极之间的反应影响不大. 微生物燃料电池的极化曲线表明,当溶解氧为1.6 mg.L-1时,微生物燃料电池输出电流下降了7%,对绿脓杆菌阳极的微生物燃料电池影响不大.
In this work, the reaction between the electron shuttle secreted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and anode was studied by measuring cyclic voltammogram and open circuit potential. The effect of dissolved oxygen on the oxidation reaction of anode was explored. It was demonstrated that the reaction was a diffusion-controlled and reversible process. The anode was a little affected when the dissolved oxygen of inocula was low (0 ~ 1.6 mg·L-1). The polarization curves showed that the current output of microbial fuel cells decreased 7% with the impact of dissolved oxygen.
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