锂离子电池Sn负极材料有较高的比容量,但其容量随周期循环急剧衰减. 若Sn与Sb形成SnSb合金可以改善其循环性能. 本文采用有机液相还原方法制备了球形Sn-SnSb合金纳米粒子,其首周期循环充电容量1235.9 mAh·g-1,放电容量为785.9 mAh·g-1,经过50周的循环之后其放电容量保持在409.2 mAh·g-1,表现出较好的循环性能.
Tin was widely studied as alternative anode material to carbon for lithium-ion batteries thanks to its much higher theoretical capacity. However, a pure tin electrode suffers severely from its poor cycleability due to mechanical fatigue caused by volume change during lithium insertion and extraction processes. Tin-based alloy may improve the cycleability property of tin electrode. In this article, we report facile synthesis of spherical Sn-SnSb nanopartciles using a simple solvent-thermal approach. It is amazing to find that the spherical Sn-SnSb nanoparticles can circumvent volume changes effectively during charge-discharge process. Electrochemical discharge/charge results show that the spherical Sn-SnSb nanoparticles electrode exhibits much better cycleability than pure Sn electrode, with first charge capacity and discharge capacity of 1235.9 and 785.9 mAh·g-1, respectively. After 50th cycling, the discharge capacity is 409.2 mAh·g-1.
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