采用Hummers法制得氧化石墨,再经溶剂热法一步合成石墨烯-氧化锌复合材料(GZO). 在6 mol·L-1氢氧化钾电解液中,测试循环伏安曲线、交流阻抗谱图和计时电位曲线. 结果表明,石墨烯-氧化锌复合材料电极的比电容为115 F·g-1,具有较好的循环寿命,改善了超级电容器的性能.
In this work, the graphene-ZnO nanocomposite was successfully synthesized through a one-step solvothermal approach, using ethylene glycol as the solvent and reducing agent. The ZnO particles could be attached to the surfaces and edges of graphene sheet. The electrochemical performance of the nanocomposite was investigated by performing cyclic voltammetry, A.C. impedance and chronopotentiometry tests in 6 mol·L-1 KOH. The results showed that the graphene-ZnO nanocomposite exhibited a nice electrochemical specific capacitance of 115 F·g-1 determined in cyclic voltammetry test, or 71 F·g-1 evaluated in chronopotentiometry test and good reversible charge/discharge behavior.
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