

  • 范艳群 ,
  • 陈庆阳 ,
  • 夏金梅 ,
  • 许建中 ,
  • 徐洵 ,
  • 许晨
  • 1. 国家海洋局第三海洋研究所,福建 厦门 361005;2. 厦门大学生命科学学院,福建 厦门 361005

收稿日期: 2013-07-05

  修回日期: 2013-12-02

  网络出版日期: 2014-04-17



Detection of Glucosamine Hydrochloride by Ion Chromatography with Integrated Pulsed Amperometric Detector

  • FAN Yan-Qun ,
  • CHEN Qing-Yang ,
  • XIA Jin-Mei ,
  • XU Jian-Zhong ,
  • XU Xun ,
  • XU Chen
  • 1. Third Institute of Oceanography State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen 361005, Fujian, China; 2. College of Life Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, Fujian, China

Received date: 2013-07-05

  Revised date: 2013-12-02

  Online published: 2014-04-17


采用电化学-脉冲安培法分析氨基葡萄糖盐酸盐(GAH)检测的影响因素,包括积分电位、NaOH浓度和流速等.在实验范围内,积分电位增大,峰面积先增大后减小,背景信号大幅度提高,仪器噪音先升高再下降,积分电位以0.1 V为宜. 淋洗液浓度增大,保留时间不断缩短,峰面积先快速增大后趋于基本稳定,理论塔板数先增加后减小,淋洗液浓度以50 mmol·L-1为宜. 流速增大,保留时间和峰面积均减小,淋洗液流速以0.6 mL·min-1为宜. 文中比较了两种积分脉冲安培检测器(戴安ED3000 PAD和厦门纳精NJPAD)不同串联形式的氨基葡萄糖盐酸盐的转化量:ED3000前置串联,氨基葡萄糖盐酸盐的转化量约占其总含量的1.27%;NJPAD前置串联,氨基葡萄糖盐酸盐的转化量约占其总含量的2.79%.


范艳群 , 陈庆阳 , 夏金梅 , 许建中 , 徐洵 , 许晨 . 电化学-积分脉冲安培法的氨基葡萄糖盐酸盐检测[J]. 电化学, 2014 , 20(2) : 164 -170 . DOI: 10.13208/j.electrochem.130620


Factors (integral potential, concentration of NaOH and flow rate) affecting detection of Glucosamine hydrochloride by ion chromatography with integrated pulsed amperometric detector were studied. As the integral potential increased, the detection signal first increased and then decreased, while the detection background and noise increased directly. The suitable integral potential should be 0.1 V. With the concentration of NaOH increased, the retention time descended sharply, while the integral area increased quickly before they are coming back into balance. The number of theoretical plates increased firstly and then decreased. The optimum concentration of NaOH was 50 mmol·L-1. As the flow rate increased, the retention time and peak area reduced. Thus, the flow rate of 0.6 mL·min-1 was the suitable one. The transformation-quantity of Glucosamine hydrochloride using ED3000 detector was 1.27% by connecting the two integrated pulsed amperometric detectors, while the total amount was 2.79% by NJPAD detector.


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