吴刚, 杨武海, 杨洋, 杨慧军
Dendrite-Free Strategies for Aqueous Zinc-Ion Batteries: Structure, Electrolyte, and Separator
Gang Wu, Wu-Hai Yang, Yang Yang, Hui-Jun Yang
Figure 7 (a) Schematic diagram of a Zn symmetric cell with Ti spacer. (b) Comparison of cycle life curves for Zn symmetric cells. Cross-sectional SEM images of zinc electrodeposition on a copper substrate show distinct morphologies under different conditions. Reproduced with the authors’ permission of ref. [14] Copyright 2023, Royal Society of Chemistry. Zinc plating images at (c) low current density and (e) high current density exhibit different structural features. After zinc plating/stripping cycles, the samples reveal (d) the morphology at low current density and (f) the morphology at high current density. Top-sectional SEM images and corresponding elemental mapping further highlight the differences in zinc plating morphology at (g) low current density and (h) high current density. Reproduced with the authors’ permission of ref. [105]. Copyright 2024, Royal Society of Chemistry.