张春芳, 赵文高, 郑时尧, 李益孝, 龚正良, 张忠如, 杨勇

Research Progresses in Ni-Co-Mn/Al Ternary Concentration Gradient Cathode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries
Chun-fang ZHANG, Wen-gao ZHAO, Shi-yao ZHENG, Yi-xiao LI, Zheng-liang GONG, Zhong-ru ZHANG, Yong YANG
图6 层状材料的放电比容量VS容量保持率图像(左),包括梯度NCMs和传统的NCA和NCMs;DSC测出的热稳定性分布图(右)[55]. 经许可转载,版权所有2017 American Chemical Society.
Fig. 6 Specific capacity vs. cycling stability plot of various layered cathodes, including gradient type NCMs and conventional NCAs and NCMs. The figure on the right graphically displays thermal stability measured using DSC of the different layered cathodes[55]. Reprinted with permission, Copyright 2017 American Chemical Society.