张春芳, 赵文高, 郑时尧, 李益孝, 龚正良, 张忠如, 杨勇

Research Progresses in Ni-Co-Mn/Al Ternary Concentration Gradient Cathode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries
Chun-fang ZHANG, Wen-gao ZHAO, Shi-yao ZHENG, Yi-xiao LI, Zheng-liang GONG, Zhong-ru ZHANG, Yong YANG
图4 (A) 单梯度材料的EPMA线扫结果[26]. 经许可转载,版权所有2012 Nature Publishing Group. (B) 双梯度材料的EPMA的测试结果[52]. 经许可转载, 版权所有2015 Wiley-VCH.
Fig. 4 (A) EPMA line scan data for the single-sloped full concentration gradient materials[26]. Reprinted with permission, Copyright 2012 Nature Publishing Group. (B) EPMA line scan data for the two-sloped full concentration gradient materials[52]. Reprinted with permission, Copyright 2015 Wiley-VCH.